Saturday, January 14, 2012

Weight Watchers: Week 1 - Days 1 and 2

Two days ago I asked friends on Facebook if they had experience with Weight Watchers and other diet plans. My goal for the next two years is to lose until I'm near 130 lbs. I have just been obese and unhappy about it for far too long. It's time to look and feel the way I did when I was a senior in high school headed for college. I was a size 10, not a 16-18. I could find clothing almost everywhere I went and fit into the things that I really wanted to wear (things that they don't make for women my size).

I don't want to huff and puff up stairs or not be able to tie my shoes right. I don't want to have this stomach that prevents me from cutting my toenails unless I'm sitting a special way. I don't want to feel sensitive about my tummy stretchmarks in a bathing suit on the beach.

Therefore, as of two days, I have subscribed to Weight Watchers Online with my husband. We've been faithfully tracking points since yesterday. I know that doesn't seem like a long time to be so "faithful," but we've really noticed a huge difference in the way we approach eating throughout the day. To be fair, Jake didn't realize I joined until he came from work at 7pm, so he had fast food for lunch (which knocked the socks off his daily point allowance). I only went 4 points over mine.

Throughout the day, I really start to consider the things I'm eating. For instance, when I eat ramen, I eat the whole ramen, soup and all. I also put in about a cup or more of rice into the soup and add in a hotdog. For those of you who need the math:

  • 1 whole ramen is two servings: 10 points
  • 1 cup of rice: 5 points
  • 1 hotdog: 5 points (or more depending on the dog you choose)
My daily points allowance is 32, so in that one meal I would have eaten over half and almost all of my points for the day! That would mean eating a lunch and dinner of 12 points combined! I would have to eat salad with a non-creamy dressing and other fruits and veggies to stay at my points goal. This is why I only ate the whole ramen yesterday morning instead of adding in the extras I usually do.

I was also surprised to see that most fruits and veggies yield 0 points! This means I can eat all the fruits and veggies I want, for the most part, without having to worry about dumping my points for the day. This made me really happy last night when I went a little overboard with butter when I cooked chicken last night. I happily scooped almost a whole can's worth of green beans on my plate next to a cup of rice and 1 boneless, skinless chicken breast.

I'll be checking in at least once a week on my Weight Watchers journey so that you can hear about my progress. I'll post pictures at milestones, as well. If you're doing weight watchers and want a buddy, my name is synformis, and my husband's is anguisinherba. Look us up and we'll lose weight together!
My husband and I at our engagement photo shoot last March.

Note: If anyone is thinking about joining, they are running a special now where you pay for 3 months up front  ($55) and they waive the start-up fee ($30). After that, it's about $20 a month. All amounts I just listed are estimations. I can't remember the exact amounts so I rounded up.

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