This first week has been brutal. I haven't noticed a lot of changes in my appetite aside from the occasional hunger pains from not eating a healthy, filling meal. The one thing I have noticed is that tracking points makes me honest about what I eat during the day. It makes me 100% consider the foods I'm choosing to snack on and what portions those snacks are. I'm more inclined to fill my plate with green beans instead of piling the rice high or going for seconds.
I'm posting today because I barely exercised aside from daily chores at home and walking around campus. I lost those 3 lbs. by simply making better choices and not overindulging on carbs and sugar. This is where I'll tell you an interesting story.
Last year, when I moved back to Colorado from North Dakota (undergrad years), I joined a gym and got a personal trainer. I worked with the first personal trainer for months and didn't lose any weight at all. I did get a lot of my strength and stamina back, though. I switched trainers and got much better workouts after a few months, but I still wasn't losing any weight. I was still getting stronger and stronger, but I still hadn't lost any weight. In fact, I was just maintaining. I fluctuated by a few pounds here and there, but I was still just maintaining weight.
It's such a tell-all when I lose 3lbs. by eating and not by exercising. It's a relief when I eat a healthy meal around 8 or 9 pts. and don't have that "so full I'll burst if you touch me" feeling. This really shows me the power of what I put into my body and how exercising on top of eating right will really help me lose weight and get back in shape.
Another plus? My husband and I have both noticed that we don't burp as often or feel like we have heart burn. We don't ever say that we're starving or that there is nothing to eat. We eat good meals (most of the time) and choose healthy, 0 pt. snacks (like fruits).
With everything that I have posted about since I started this blog (loss, yielding to pedestrians, Kim Kardashian's failed marriage, Rick Perry's flaws, etc.), losing weight with Weight Watchers Online has been the most significant. I honestly did not believe that I would lose weight the first week. I didn't think that I would ever have seen such a difference in my eating habits with another diet plan.
If you're still on the fence after my first week, please stick around for the following weeks or join now. I know that I will continue to lose weight. There may be a few weeks where I gain weight after starting to work out more seriously. I have to win this fight to lose
If you want to fight with us, please find us (synformis and anguisinherba) on Weight Watchers and we'll support each other.
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